Fokker Radial Lok shaver
Students: K.A.A. Kohabir, M.L. Liendo, S.A. van Pomeren, J.A.A. Verstraeten
Students: K.A.A. Kohabir, M.L. Liendo, S.A. van Pomeren, J.A.A. Verstraeten
SolarSorter3000, Let’s sort it out! “We did it. We built a single purpose robot within 8 weeks”. The project team worked on a SMR project commissioned for GTM. SMR, …
Students: Bas Holweg, Dave Ravensbergen, Mike van Steekelenburg, Saskia de Wit
Students: Jaime Cobos, Pieter van Veen, Stan Vijverberg, Manuel Vogels. (2020)
Students: Mark de Roos, Elmer Russchen, Martijn Venselaar, Guus Zwart
Go Pro glider introduction My goal was to move a Go Pro certain distances a bit smoother than walking. The result is not entirely what I was going for. But …
Students: Jordy Ubink & João Rocha MagicMirror Module for displaying Discourse notifications Introduction We made a module (plug-in) for the MagicMirror (see it here). That is a smart mirror, driven …