Zwetlande pick and placing

Zwethlande Zwethlande is a grower of Ficus plants. They have over 30 years of experience with this type of plant, which explains their expertise. At some point they decided to …

Polishing of an airplane wing

  Students: Pepijn van Eck, Yuk Ho Chung, Schelte van der Horst, Jorge Luis Díaz Onofre, Florens Vernooij Images 1 through 4: Logos of Fokker Technologies, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, University …

Automated Clip Pick & Place System

Students: Alvin Dumaij, Martijn Keijzer, William Nuijt, Jon Diaz Introduction Rexnord is a company specialized in the production and assembly of conveyor belts. They produce conveyor tracks and the components …

Automatic Plant Bind System

Project by: Joost Kingma, Sander van Gemmert, Ka Chun Tsang and Mark van Leeuwen Introduction Hoogeveen Plants is a horticulture company that specialize in Climbers, Fruit Plants, Bamboo-Grasses-Ferns and Helleborus.  …

Assembling with Co-Bot

Today, more and more assembly processes are being automated by robots. If well designed, they provide excellent precision and repeatability without getting tired. However, one of the main issues with …

Dynamic Grinding Machine

    RAMLAB (Rotterdam additive manufacturing lab) is a researchcenter in the port of Rotterdam. It’s main focus is to develop WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing)  for the industry. WAAM is proces …

3M/DAF Gear Grinding

  DAF Trucks is the biggest manufacturer of trucks in the Netherlands. DAF trucks is located in Eindhoven with a work area of 900.000 m2. In the year 2016 they …